If you go into any second grade classroom today, you’ll see little girls bedecked in charm bracelets. They covet them because somehow, they realize that charmbracelets are enchanting and glamorous. They feel grown-up and special with their fancy wrist charms, beads, and spacers.Even though their wrists will grow as they get older, they can still save their charms to rethread on another cord orbracelet base later. Some charm bracelets are designed to be changed out easily.Because each charm bracelet is unique, girls feel special with their own creation. Although sterling silver and Murano glass beads are luxurious, kids can be taught from early on about the value of some things. It’s important to teach respect for valuable items like special birthstone charms, gems, and precious metals.Some parents choose to let their daughters only wear their bracelets on special occasions, while other parents trust their daughters to decide when it’s appropriate to slip them on their wrist. Once they’re old enough to understand how to care for their special jewelry, they’re probably old enough to wear them as often as they wish.
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