Sunday, August 16, 2009

African Hip Hop Hairstyles,2009 Hairstyle,

African children who experience discrimination run a high risk for emotional problems, according to a recent report released by Iowa State University researchers.“Kids who experience with Hip Hop Hairstyles, or see it happening to their parents or other family members, are at a high risk for depression,” says Ron Simons, director of the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research at Iowa State University. “Symptoms of depression include sleeping problems, feeling sad, worthless, listless or suicidal.”Since 1997, researchers have interviewed and observed 870 African-American families in 41 communities in Iowa and Georgia. Simons says the research is an expansion of the Iowa Youth and Families Project, which began studying rural families in Iowa during the farm crisis of the 1980s.
The families included in the study have at least one child in fifth grade. “Our goal,” Simons says, “is to identify how family and community processes combine to influence children as they grow up and start their own families.”Researchers interviewed families every other year and use the interim year to process data. An early finding in the study illustrated some of the negative effects of iscrimination.Researchers also studied how families dealt with discrimination when it did occur. Simons says some kids are taught that they willnever get a fair break. Others are taught to expect problems but that they can be“There is great variability regarding what children learn about race relations. We are just in the process of looking at how these ideas affect children’s psychological development,” Simons says.The research also focuses on how relationships in the community influence children.

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