Sunday, August 16, 2009

Silk Blouses,undergarments,

Ideas on How to Wear Silk Blouse

Everyone has at least one silk blouse in their closet they like to wear once
in awhile, because the fabric makes you feel very special. When you think of how silk is made by those busy silkworms just for you, everyone should feel like a queen when they wear a blouse made of silk. Think of all the hands that your silk blouse goes through before you finally buy it at the store.
They have to sort all those cocoons, then a process of softening happens and because the strands of silk is too thin, they do what is called “reeling the filament” they have to put many strands together so it can be used and then finally; they are packed into bundles and shipped all over the world. Just for you! And, we learn to take very good care of our expensive silk blouses.
Some raw silks can fool you into thinking you are looking at cotton instead of silk. It takes a special eye, to know just by looking which fabric; people are wearing.
Even then, there are about four different varieties of silk.
Angie Harmon is wearing a dark navy blue silk blouse with rolled up sleeves and the usual v-neckline. She has a dark choker around her neck to break the run of the flesh line from her face and down along her front.
The choker is nice and helps, but is it enough? I would say, button up one or two of those buttons and put a lovely thin necklace in the choker’s place.
There is the possibility that our girl is trying to wear her collar up and that doesn’t work with a silk blouse because the fabric is too soft to handle the weight of her hair. Her image brings a casual lift with her gorgeous smile.
Silk is on Elaine Hendricks as she is wearing a short sleeved black silk blouse. Pale blond e hair always looks good when it is next to a shiny black fabric. This particular style is hanging over the turned up collar in the back. Elaine would look better with her hair off of the turned up collar. Her hair could be put in a twist, or cut a few inches so the look of the collar would be more effective and harmonizing with the over all appearance.
Crooner, Melissa Etheridge is wearing a dark navy shiny silk blouse underneath her long gray blazer over her navy pants. Her collar is turned up with a medium sized v-neckline that gives her a sporty concept.Melissa is wearing a fine necklace that gives the break needed on the flesh. Her shag haircut is stylish and places the vision of being attractive and well kept.
Good to go Melissa!Her friend, Tammy Lynn Michael is wearing a black pant suit with a low cut blouse underneath with a gold chain coming down from her shoulders that doesn’t do much for her outfit. What would look really great on Tammy is a lacy undergarment covering up her cleavage, this would look much more sexier and leave something to the imagination. Ms. Michael s hair is beautiful, but with her dressy suit, an up do would be much more favorable. I have seen Tammy’s hair long and also seen pictures of her with short hair, I am voting for the short on her. She looks much more slimmer with the short hair.

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